Centrе for English Language and British and US Society and Culture
Studying a foreign language can be pleasant and easy! Just build up the right relationship with it. Give it heart and soul, time and attention and it will pay you back.
We help you do that. We choose the right way to approach it together with you, face it with you and guide you all the way until you feel sure about it and the language starts working in your favour – until it becomes your friend and partner. We love the whole new worlds that a new language opens up – other cultures, business, entertainment, travel, history and so on and we want to make you love that in the same way.
Come and learn to express yourself in a new language!
Come and study with us either in the more traditional way or through our method of learning through Speaking and Listening, weSpeak!
Enjoy the experience!
Lucky Center Team
Studying at Lucky Center

Our courses are focused on your objectives
• Detailed and precise assessment of your English competence and language learning needs
• High level of personal attention, individual guidance and constant monitoring of your progress
• We ensure full participation from all of our students
• Up-to-date, creative and varied teaching methods
• Friendly and experienced teachers
• Friendly and relaxed atmosphere
• Small groups and one-to-one training
• Additional out-of-class activities, materials and online training
• Convenient location in the centre of Sofia